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vineri, 3 octombrie 2014

Words, thoughts and emotions - Cuvinte, ganduri si emotii

Sometimes we control our words but we do not care about our thoughts and emotions. If we do not say anything bad to somebody, is good. But if we have very aggressive thoughts and emotions about that persons, although we do not say anything, we are going to affect that person. That is why we need to start with words, and then to continue becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions. Only positive words, thoughts and emotions should be allowed if we want to be happy and make those around us happy also. 

Uneori noi ne controlam cuvintele, dar nu ne pasa de gandurile si emotiile pe care le avem. Daca nu spunem nimic rau cuiva, este bine. Dar daca avem ganduri si emotii foarte agresive fata de o persoana, desi nu-i spunem nimic, vom afecta acea persoana. De aceea trebuie sa incepem prin a ne controla cuvintele, si apoi sa continuam devenind constienti de gandurile si emotiile noastre. Doar cunvinte, gandurile si emotiile pozitive ar trebui sa fie lasate daca dorim sa fim fericiti si sa-i facem pe cei din jur fericiti.


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