Constant expectation in one's own way is an infallible way of loosing one's present joy.
We are crying for happiness in the form of expectation. But no matter what we seek, the result will be limited. We have to know that there is somebody with infinite capacity who is eager and anxious to share with us His capacity. Let us be wise; let us give Him the chance. Let us allow His expectation to be fulfilled in us. Let His expectation grow in and through us. Let our human expectation be conquered by the divine expectation of the Supreme, the Eternal Pilot. Let us surrender our human expectation to the Supreme's expectation. When we surrender to the unlimited light, we become really unlimited. If we take this attitude, we act like divine children, children of light, children of wisdom. At that time, our expectation is conquered by His expectation, which is unlimited. This way only, through surrender, can we conquer our human expectation.
O my Lord Supreme,
Do show me the way to unload
My load of constant expectation.
Absolutely unbearable
Is my expectation-load!
A avea asteptari in felul nostru propriu in mod constant este o cale sigura de a ne pierde bucuria prezenta.
Noi plangem dupa fericire prin asteptarile noastre. Dar nu conteaza ce cautam, rezultatul va fi limitat. Trebuie sa stim ca este cineva care are o capacitate infinita si care este dornic si nerabdator sa impartaseasca cu noi capacitatea Lui. Hai sa fim intelepti; hai sa Îi dam sansa asta. Haideti sa permitem asteptarilor Lui sa fie implinite in noi. Sa lasam asteptarile Lui sa creasca in si prin noi. Haideti sa lasam ca asteptarile noastre sa fie cucerite de asteptarile divine ale Supremului, Pilotul Etern. Haideti sa ne abandonam asteptarile noastre umane asteptarilor Supremului. Atunci cand ne abandonam asteptarile luminii nelimitate, devenim cu adevarat nelimitati. Daca avem aceasta atitudine, actionam ca niste copii divini, copii ai luminii, copii ai intelepciunii. Atunci asteptarea noastra este cucerita de asteptarea Lui, care este nelimitata. Doar in acest fel, prin abandon, putem sa cucerim asteptarea umana.
O Domnul meu Suprem,
Arata-mi o cale de a scapa
De greutatea asteptarii mele constante.
Absolut insuportabila
Este greutatea asteptarii mele.
Sri Chinmoy
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