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miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

God does not believe in a failure-life - Dumnezeu nu crede in viata-esec

God does not believe in a failure-life. Therefore, how can you and I ever fail?

Instead of taking each mistake as a course, we can take it as a blessing. First of all, we should not commit any mistakes consciously and deliberately. But if a mistake takes place in our inner nature, in our vital nature, in our physical nature, in our outer mind or physical mind, then immediately we should be ready to confess it to ourselves and to God. Confession is our immediate emancipation. Otherwise, we shall grow into a mountain of mistakes. The moment we have the courage to confess our mistake, God's adamantine Protection run toward us. His Protection immediately becomes our heaven.

Do not allow yourself
To be devoured by past mistakes,
For God is expecting from your life
A profound inner transformation.

Dumnezeu nu crede intr-o viata-esec. De aceea, cum am putea tu sau eu sa esuam vreodata?

In loc sa consideram fiecare greseala ca pe un blestem, putem sa o consideram ca o binecuvantare. In primul rand, nu ar trebui sa comitem nicio greseala constient si deliberat. Dar daca vreo greseala are loc in natura noastra interioara, in natura noastra vitala, in natura noastra fizica sau in mintea noastra exterioara ori in cea fizica, atunci imediat ar trebui sa fim gata sa marturisim noua si lui Dumnezeu acea greseala. Confesiunea este eliberarea noastra imediata. Altfel, vom creste intr-un munte de greseli. In momentul in care avem curajul sa marturisim greseala noastra, Protectia de netrecut a lui Dumnezeu va veni catre noi alergand. Protectia lui devine raiul nostru.

Nu te lasa
Devorat de greselile trecutului,
Pentru ca Dumnezeu asteapta de la viata ta 
O profunda transformare interioara.

Sri Chinmoy

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