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marți, 10 septembrie 2013

The inner life - Viata interioara

If we give importance to a thing, then automatically that thing becomes real to us. The moment we take away the importance of a thing, that thing has no value. If we really value the inner life, then the inner life has to become real. 

When we do not pray and meditate, we see only the physical world around us. We feel that this is absolutely real. But when we pray and meditate, we see and feel that there is another world and that this physical world is only an expression of that world. But again, we have to know that we ourselves are the creator of this physical world. The physical world we build with our hands, with our outer capacities. The inner world we build with our will-power  -  not mere thought-power, but will-power.

Go forward
With your volcanic will-power!
Yours will be a life
Of huge destruction.

Daca dam importanta unui lucru, atunci automat acel lucru devine real. In momentul in care nu dam importanta unui lucru, acel lucru nu are nicio valoare. Daca apreciem cu adevarat viata interioara, atunci viata interioara trebuie sa devina reala.

Atunci cand nu ne rugam si nu meditam, vedem doar lumea fizica in jurul nostru. Consideram ca aceasta este absolut reala. Dar atunci cand ne rugam si meditam, vedem si simtim ca exista o alta lume si aceasta lume fizica este doar o expresie a acelei lumi. Dar din nou, trebuie sa stim ca noi suntem creatorii acestei lumi fizice. Lumea fizica o construim cu mainile noastre, cu capacitatile noastre. Lumea interioara o construim cu puterea vointei noastre  - nu doar cu puterea gandului ci si cu puterea vointei.

Cu puterea vulcanica a vointei tale!
Viata ta va fi o viata de distrugere totala.

Sri Chinmoy

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