The inner life teaches us how to be detached from the desire-life and how to be attached only to God.
How can we feel that the inner world is more real? The reality of something depends on the importance or value we give to it. Reality depends on necessity. If we are hungry, immediately food becomes the only reality before us, around us, within us, without us. Anything that demands our attention or concentration has to be real, whether it is material food or inner peace, light and delight. The reality of a thing depends on how necessary it is for us. If we need something, then that very thing has to become real.
Explore the secrets of the outer world,
Implore the secrets of the inner world.
Lo, the realities of the outer world
Will at once be at your disposal.
And the realities of the inner world
Will extol you to the skies.
Viata interioara ne invata cum sa fim detasati de viata-dorinta si cum sa fim atasati doar de Dumnezeu.
Cum putem sa simtim ca lumea interioara este mai reala? Realitatea unui lucru depinde de importanta pe care i-o acordam. Realitatea depinde de necesitate. Daca suntem infometati, imediat mincarea devine singura realitate in fata noastra, in jurul nostru, in noi si in afara noastra. Tot ceea ce ne solicita atentia sau concentrarea trebuie sa fie real, fie ca este hrana materiala sau pace, lumina sau bucurie interioara. realitatea unui lucru depinde de cat de necesar este pentru noi. Daca avem nevoie de ceva, atunci acel lucru trebuie sa devina real.
Exploreaza secretele lumii exterioare.
Implora secretele lumii interioare.
Iata, realitatile lumii exterioare
Vor fi imdeiat la dispozitia ta.
Si realitatile lumii interioare
Te vor arunca catre ceruri.
Sri Chinmoy
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