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luni, 12 august 2013

Only God is indispensable - Doar Dumnezeu este indispensabil

One can overcome the ego and have total humility if one can feel constantly that he is not indispensable, that only God is indispensable.

God is constantly standing in front of each of us as a golden opportunity. One has to feel that this opportunity is the only thing that he needs. If he feels that God  needs him  for a particular purpose which he alone can fulfil, then he is totally lost. One has to feel that his spiritual aspiration itself is the greatest blessing that he can receive from God. There are billions of people on earth who do not care for the spiritual life, who are still spiritually fast asleep. Why is it that one particular individual is conscious of the spiritual life while the others are still sleeping? The moment one is conscious of the spiritual life, he has to feel that he has received the greatest boon from God.

God will prove your importance
To the world
The day you can sincerely feel  
That you are not indispensable
Either to this world or in any world.

O persoana poate depasi egoul si poate avea smerenie totala daca  poate simti in mod constant ca nu este indispensabila, ca singurul care este indispensabil este Dumnezeu.

Dumnezeu este mereu in fata fiecaruia din noi cu o sansa de aur. O persoana trebuie sa simta ca acesta este singurul lucru de care are nevoie. Daca el considera ca Dumnezeu are nevoie de el pentru un anumit scop special, pe care doar el poate sa-l realizeze, atunci e pierdut in totalitate. El trebuie sa simta ca aspiratia spirituala insasi este cea mai mare binecuvantare pe care el o poate primi de la Dumnezeu. Exista miliarde de oameni pe pamant carora nu le pasa de viata spirituala, care sunt cu totul adormiti din punct de vedere spiritual. Cum se face ca o persoana este constienta de viata spirituala in timp ce ceilalti sunt total adormiti? Atunci cand cineva este constient de viata spirituala, el trebuie sa simta ca a primit de la Dumnezeu cel mai mare bonus.

Dumnezeu va arata importanta ta
In ziua in care poti simti cu sinceritate
Ca nu esti indispensabil
Atat in lumea asta cat si in orice alta lume.

Sri Chinmoy

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