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duminică, 18 august 2013

The ego thief - Hotul ego

Ego feeds on attention. The perfection of our precarious animal-human nature feeds on God's Compassion-Sea.

If someone feels that by fulfilling the ego's demands the ego will be exhausted, as we exhaust our money by spending it, then he is mistaken. If we have money, we use it and then it is gone. In the case of the ego, it is not like that. It goes on and on. Ignorance is the mother of the ego. As there is no end to our ignorance until we aspire, so also there is no limit to our ego. On the contrary, if we feed it by fulfilling its demands, it will only grow stronger and stronger. If one really wants to have a life of inner joy and fulfillment, then ego, the thief, has to be caught, and the sooner the better. This thief constantly steals our inner divine qualities: our joy, our peace, our feeling of oneness with the rest of the world.

Conceal your self-interest-cry.
God's Satisfaction-Smile
Will in no time
Enlighten you.

Egoul se hraneste cu atentie. Perfectiunea naturii noastre precare animal-umane se hraneste cu Marea-Compasiune a lui Dumnezeu.

Daca cineva crede ca implinind cerintele egoului  acesta va fi epuizat, asa cum epuizam banii nostrii cheltuindu-i, atunci se inseala. Daca avem bani, ii folosim si s-au dus. In cazul egoului nu este asa. El continua mereu. Ignoranta este mama egoului. Asa cum nu exista sfarsit pentru ignoranta noastra pana cand nu incepem  sa aspiram, la fel nu exista limita pentru egoul nostru. Dimpotriva, daca il hranim implinindu-i cerintele, el doar va deveni din ce in ce mai puternic. Daca cineva vrea cu adevarat sa aiba o viata de bucurie interioara si implinire, atunci egoul, hotul, trebuie sa fie prins, cu cat mai repede cu atat mai bine. Acest hot ne fura in mod constant calitatile noastre interioare divine: bucuria noastra, pacea noastra, sentimentul nostru de unitate cu restul lumii.

Ascunde-ti plansul interesat de tine
Zambetul-Satisfactie al lui Dumnezeu
Te va ilumina.

Sri Chinmoy

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