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miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Not giving up the game - A nu renunta la joc

God-discovery is nothing other than a matter of not giving up the game.

In the beginning everybody experiences ups and downs in the spiritual life. When a child is learning to walk, in the beginning he stumbles and falls again and again and again. But after a while he learns to walk properly and finally to run. Eventually he can run as fast as his capacity will allow. But a small child cannot expect to run as fast as his father does, because his father has much more capacity. When you are up, you have to feel that you are getting a glimpse of your eventual capacity. When you are down, you should simply feel that this is only a temporary incapacity. Just because you see that those who are more advanced than you are in the spiritual life are running, you must not be discouraged. Once upon a time they also stumbled.

Be brave within and without!
Do not allow the tyranny
Of your past memories
To destroy your heart's hope-bridge,
Which will carry you
To the other shore,
The shore of light and delight.

Descoperirea lui Dumnezeu nu este nimic altceva decat o problema de a nu renunta la joc.

La inceput fiecare experimenteaza urcusuri si coborasuri in viata spirituala. Atunci cand un copil invata sa mearga, la inceput el se impiedica si cade iarasi, iarasi si iarasi. Dar dupa un timp el invata sa mearga corect si in final sa alerge. In cele din urma el poate alerga la maximul capacitatii sale. Dar un copil mic nu se poate astepta sa alerge la fel de repede ca si tatal sau, pentru ca tatal sau are o capacitate mult mai mare. Atunci cand sunteti sus, trebuie sa considerati ca primiti o particica a capacitatii voastre viitoare. Atunci cand sunteti jos, trebuie sa simtiti ca aceasta este doar o incapacitate temporara. Doar pentru ca-i vezi pe cei mai evoluati decat tine ca alearga nu trebuie sa fii descurajat. Candva si ei s-au impiedicat.

Fii curajos in interior si in exterior!
Nu lasa tirania
Amintirilor tale trecute
Sa distruga podul-speranta al inimii tale
Care te va duce
Catre taramul de dincolo,
Taramul de lumina si bucurie.

Sri Chinmoy

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