este infinit, omul este etern, omul este nemuritor. Dar cum putem sa
simtim cu adevarat ca suntem infiniti, eterni si nemuritori? Putem sa
facem asta doar prin daruirea de sine si sacrificiul fata de Supremul
din noi insine si din omenire.
trebuie sa fie bine inteleasa. Daca cineva crede ca in virtutea
sacrificiului el devine una cu restul lumii, asta nu este daruire. A fi
cu adevarat altruist, inseamna sa realizezi deja unitatea cu intreaga
creatie. Altfel, acea persoana va avea mereu impresia ca face ceva maret si deosebit
oferindu-se pe el insusi si servind pe cineva. Dar atunci cand unitatea a
fost deja obtinuta, simtita si realizata, abia atunci daruirea isi
capata semnificatia ei reala. Cautatorul stie ca el este una cu
universul, si ca in aceasta unitate el joaca propriul sau rol. Atunci
nu putem considera daruirea ca fiind ceva ce oferim. Nu, este ceva întru care
crestem. Fiecare actiune altruista ne conduce catre ceva mai maret, si
acel ceva este tot al nostru.
In fiecare zi ar trebui sa incerci
Sa faci un nou record
In daruirea ta de sine neconditionata.
Man is infinite, man is eternal, man is immortal. But how can we really feel that we are infinite, eternal, immortal? We can do so only on the strength of our selflessness and sacrifice to the Supreme in ourselves and in humanity.
Selflessness must be properly understood. If one feels that it is by virtue of sacrifice that he is becoming totally one with the rest of the world, then that is not selflessness. To be really selfless, one must already and realize his oneness with the entire creation. Otherwise, one will always be under the impression that he is doing something grand and great by offering himself and serving someone. But when oneness has already been achieved, felt and realized, at that time selflessness really acquires its meaning. The seeker knows that he is one with the universe, and with this oneness he is now playing his own part. At that time we cannot call selflessness something that we are offering. No, it is something that we are growing into. Each selfless act leads us to something greater, and that something greater also is ours.
Every day you should try
To set a personal record
In your unconditional self-giving.
Sri Chinmoy
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