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luni, 6 mai 2013

To obey God's Will is to escape from one's self-created prison

To obey God's Will is to escape from one's self-created prison.

When my heart's only cry is to please God in His own way, then God can manifest Himself in and through me. When my inner cry carries me to God, I say to Him, " O my Beloved Supreme, make me Your perfect instrument." When God comes to me, He gives me a broad smile - a wide soulful, illumining Smile - and says, " My child, I shall make you my perfect instrument and, at the same time, I will manifest Myself in and through you."

With physical courage
We take pride
In breaking the world
In our own way.
With the courage of the spirit
We offer the world to God.
We place the world, our world,
At the Feet of God
So that He may guide and mould
The world, our world,
In His own way.

A asculta de Vointa lui Dumnezeu inseamna sa scapam de inchisoarea creata de noi insine.

Atunci cand inima mea plange doar pentru a-L multumi pe Dumezeu in felul Lui propriu, atunci Dumnezeu se poate manifesta in si prin mine. Atunci cand plansul meu interior ma duce la Dumnezeu, eu Îi spun, „ O Iubitul meu Suprem, fa din mine instrumentul Tau perfect.” Atunci cand Dumnezeu vine la mine, El imi ofera un zambet larg - un Zambet mare, iluminator - si spune, „ Copilul meu, te voi face intrumentul meu perfect, si in acelasi timp, Ma voi manifesta pe Mine Insumi in si prin tine.”

Prin curaj fizic
Obtinem mandria
De a face ce vrem cu lumea.
Prin curajul spiritului
Oferim lumea lui Dumnezeu.
Asezam lumea, lumea noastra
La picioarele Lui Dumnezeu.
Astfel incat El sa o poata ghida si modela
In felul Lui propriu.

Sri Chinmoy

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