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joi, 16 mai 2013

Worries and anxieties

We shall never hear the song of the inner voice if we  consciously or unconsciously make friends with anxiety.

When we are assailed by worries and anxieties, we have to feel that there is an antidote. The antidote is to feel inwardly God's Love for us. Worries and anxieties will go away only when we identify ourselves with something that has peace, poise, divinity and the feeling of absolute oneness. If we identify ourselves with the Inner Pilot, then we get the strength of His illumining Light. Worries come because we identify ourselves with fear. By worrying all the time or by thinking undivine thoughts, we will never move towards our goal. We will enter into divinity only by having positive thoughts: "I am of God. I am for God." If we think this, then there can be no worry, no anxiety.

Devour your anxieties!
God's Happiness and your happiness
Will fly together in oneness-sky.

Nu vom auzi niciodata cantul vocii interioare daca suntem, constient sau inconstient, prieteni cu anxietatea.

Atunci cand suntem asaltati de griji si anxietati, trebuie sa simtim ca exista un antidot. Antidotul este sa simtim in interior Dragostea lui Dumnezeu pentru noi. Grijile si anxietatile vor disparea atunci cand ne vom identifica cu ceva care are pace, armonie, divinitate si sentimentul unitatii absolute. Daca ne identificam cu Pilotul Interior, atunci vom primi taria Luminii sale iluminatoare. Grijile vin pentru ca ne identificam cu frica. Facandu-ne griji mereu sau avand mereu ganduri nedivine, nu vom avansa nici odata catre telul nostru. Vom putea intra in divinitate doar avand ganduri pozitive: " Sunt al Lui Dumnezeu. Sunt pentru Dumnezeu." Daca vom gandi asta, atunci nu va mai exista nici o grija si nici o anxietate.

Devoreaza-ti anxietatile!
Fericirea lui Dumnezeu si fericirea ta
Vor zbura impreuna in cerul-unitate.

Sri Chinmoy

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