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vineri, 17 ianuarie 2014

I have only one home - Am doar o singura casa

Every day must come to you as a new hope, a new promise, a new aspiration, a new energy, a new thrill and a new delight.

If you think that tomorrow will be another day like those which you have already seen, then you will make no progress. You have to feel that tomorrow will be something absolutely new that you are going to create in your life. Every day you have to energize yourself to such an extent that you feel new hope and new aspiration. If on a particular day there is no hope, then on that day you are dead. If on a particular day there is no promise, then you are worse than dead. If you want to live on earth, then you must have hope. Hope is not a mental hallucination. Far from it. Hope is a vast field. And if there is promise, then you can feel that you have sown the seed, the promise-seed.

I have only one  home,
And that is my hope-home.
When I abandon this home
I have nowhere to go. 
I am all alone
In misery's land.

Fiecare zi trebuie sa aduca o noua speranta, o noua promisune, o noua aspiratie, o noua energie, un nou fior si o noua incantare. 

Daca considerati ca maine va fi doar o alta zi la fel cu cele pe care le-ati trait deja, atunci nu veti face niciun progres.  Trebuie sa simtiti ca maine veti crea ceva absolut nou in viata voastra. In fiecare zi trebuie sa va energizati in asa masura incat sa simtiti o noua aspiratie si speranta. Daca intr-o zi nu exista speranta atunci sunteti morti. Daca intr-o zi nu aveti promisiune atunci sunteti mai rau decat morti. Daca vreti sa traiti pe pamant, atunci trebuie sa aveti speranta. Speranta nu este o halucinatie mentala. Nici pe departe. Speranta este un camp vast. Si daca exista promisune, atunci puteti considera ca ati plantat o samanta, samanta-promisiune. 

Am doar o casa,
Si aceea este casa mea de speranta.
Atunci cand renunt la aceasta casa
Nu am unde sa merg.
Sunt singur
In lumea suferintei.

Sri Chinmoy

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