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joi, 23 ianuarie 2014

Your life - Viata ta

Optimism is the secret of self-reliance. Self-reliance is the secret of dynamic power. Dynamic power is the secret of immediate success.

Our human difficulty is that we do not take anything seriously. We hope for name and fame, but if we see that we must climb up a tall tree in order to get what we want, then we lose interest. In the spiritual life also we want God, but before we realize God, we have to do a few things. If we feel inwardly the value of God-realization in our life, then the so-called hardship that we go through is nothing. If we value the goal, then we are bound to walk along the path. The road is long and arduous, but if we constantly keep the goal in our view and walk along the road, then we will reach our destination. If we really value the goal and cry for the goal, then there will always be some way for us to reach the goal. 

Your life
Is God's responsibility
If  you care for
The divinity within you only.

Opimismul este secretul increderii de sine. Increderea de sine este secretul puterii dinamice. Puterea dinamica este secretul succesului imediat.

Dificultatea noastra umana este ca noi nu luam nimic in serios. Speram la nume si la faima, dar daca vedem ca trebuie sa urcam intr-un copac inalt pentru a obtine ceea ce dorim, ne pierdem interesul. In viata spirituala la fel noi il dorim pe Dumnezeu, dar inainte de a-l realiza pe Dumnezeu, trebuie sa facem cateva lucruri. Daca simtim in interior valoarea realizarii lui Dumnezeu, atunci asa numitele greutati prin care trecem sunt nimic. Daca pretuim telul, atunci suntem obligati sa mergem de-a lungul caii. Drumul este lung si dificil, dar daca pastram telul mereu in fata si mergem pe drumul catre el, atunci vom ajunge la destinatie. Daca apreciem cu adevarat telul si plangem dupa el, atunci va fi intodeauna o cale sa ne atingem telul. 

Viata ta este responsabilitatea lui Dumnezeu
Daca esti interesat doar de divinitatea din tine.

Sri Chinmoy

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