In pursuing peace of mind, the first step is to sincerely feel that no individual is indispensable.
An individual may have a few good qualities, but that does not mean that he or she is indispensable. The same good qualities others may have. The more we give importance to ourselves or others, the more we weaken our capacity. Only God is indispensable. We have to give all importance to the Source, to the Divine within us, to the Supreme within us. We have to feel that we are able to serve others and they are able to serve us precisely because Supreme has given us certain qualities. These qualities have a true possessor, and that possessor is the Supreme. If we can consciously and continuously make ourselves feel that He alone is indispensable, then we can have peace of mind.
Only a fool
Think that he is independent.
Only a fool
Feel that he is indispensable.
In obtinerea pacii, primul pas este sa simtim cu sinceritate ca nimeni nu este indispensabil.
O persoana poate sa aiba cateva calitati bune, dar asta nu inseamna ca el sau ea sunt indispensabili. Acealeasi calitati bune pot sa le aiba si altii. Cu cat ne acordam mai multa importanta noua si celorlalti, cu atat ne slabim capacitatea. Doar Dumnezeu este indispensabil. Trebuie sa dam toata atentia Sursei, Divinului din noi si Supremului din noi. Trebuie sa simtim ca putem sa-i ajutam pe ceilalti si ei ne pot ajuta pe noi cu siguranta datorita faptului ca Supremul ne-a dat anumite calitati. Aceste calitati au un posesor real si acest posesor este Supremul. Daca putem sa simtim in mod constant si constient ca El singur este indispensabil, atunci putem avea pacea mintii.
Doar un prost
Crede ca el este independent.
Doar un prost
Simte ca este indispensabil.
Sri Chinmoy
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