Real inner joy we get only when our aspiration is genuine and sincere. When we have inner joy, we see and feel that we are consciously sitting and growing in the lap of God.
If anybody wants to know whether his aspiration is genuine and whether he is really marching toward the Goal or not, then I wish to ask that person to observe his mind and heart. If in his mind he feels inner joy and peace and if his heart is flooded with joy and delight, not pleasure, then his aspiration is true and genuine. At that time the aspirant will know that he is not deceiving himself.
You can climb fast, very fast,
The progress-tree
If you give what you have:
And aspiration-flames.
Adevarata bucurie interioara o primim doar atunci cand aspiratia noastra este sincera si adevarata. Atunci cand avem bucurie interioara, vedem si simtim ca in mod constient stam si crestem in poala lui Dumnezeu.
Daca cineva doreste sa afle daca daca aspiratia lui este adevarata, daca el marsaluieste cu adevarat catre tel sau nu, atunci as vrea sa cer acelei persoane sa fie atenta la mintea si inima ei. Daca el simte in mintea lui bucurie interioara si pace si daca inima lui este inundata de bucurie si incantare, atunci aspiratia lui este adevarata si reala. Atunci aspirantul va sti ca nu se pacaleste singur.
Poti urca repede, foarte repede,
Daca dai ceea ce ai:
Picaturile de inspiratie
Si flacarile-aspiratie.
Sri Chinmoy
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