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luni, 13 ianuarie 2014

It takes a heroic heart - E nevoie de o inima eroica

It takes a heroic heart to say no to the desire-world.

Right now we are living the life of desire. But even when our desires are fulfilled, we are usually not satisfied at all. We want something desperately in the desire-life, but when we get that very thing, immediately we are dissatisfied. It has happened to our lives many, many times. While we are crying for some particular thing, we never care that somebody else already has it. But when we get what we wanted, we look around and see that thousands of other people also have it, and perhaps they have more of it than we do. They have the same thing in abundant measure, whereas we have only a limited amount. So we are dissatisfied. No matter how much we have of something in the desire-life, it is never enough for us.

In my desire-life
What I actually need
Is an endless ” No!”

E nevoie de o inima eroica pentru a spune nu lumii-dorinta. 

Acum traim viata de dorinta. Dar chiar si atunci cand dorintele noastre sunt implinite, de obicei nu suntem multumiti deloc. Dorim ceva cu disperare in viata noastra de dorinta, dar atunci cand obtinem acel lucru, imediat suntem nemultumiti. Ni s-a intamplat de nenumarate ori in viata. In timp ce plangem dupa un anumit lucru, nu ne pasa ca altcineva are deja acel lucru. Dar atunci cand obtinem acel lucru, ne uitam in jur si vedem ca sunt mii de alti oameni care au deasemenea acel lucru, si poate intr-o masura mai mare decat il avem noi. Ei au acelasi lucru din abundenta, in timp ce noi avem doar o cantitate limitata a acelui lucru. Deci suntem nemultumiti. Nu conteaza cat de mult avem in viata de dorinta, niciodata nu este suficient pentru noi.

In viata mea de dorinta
Ceea ce am nevoie de fapt
Este un „NU!” nesfarsit.

Sri Chinmoy

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