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luni, 30 decembrie 2013

Puterea sufletului - Power of the soul

What is mind, if not a conscious fantasy of ridiculous and superfluous demands?

The mind needs a superior power to keep it quiet. This superior power is the power of the soul. We have to bring to the fore the light of the soul , which has unlimited power. In the outer world, when somebody is superior in strength or power, he tries to punish the inferior. But in the spiritual world, the light of the soul will not torture or punish the mind. On the contrary, it will act like a most affectionate mother who feels that the imperfections of her child are her own imperfections. The heart will feel the obscurity, impurity and darkness of the mind as its own imperfections and, at the same time, the heart will be in a position to offer its light to the mind. In pin-drop silence it will try to transform the nature of the mind.

The beginning of perfection
When the seeker puts an end
To his critical mind.

Ce este mintea, daca nu o fantezie constienta de cerinte ridicole si inutile?

Mintea are nevoie de o putere superioara pentru a o tine linistita. Aceasta putere superioara este puterea sufletului. Trebuie sa aducem la suprafata lumina sufletului, care are putere nelimitata. In lumea exterioara, atunci cand cineva este superior ca forta sau putere, el incearca sa-l pedepseasca pe cel inferior. Dar in lumea spirituala, lumina sufletului nu va tortura sau pedepsi mintea. Dimpotriva, va actiona ca cea mai plina de afectiune mama, ce considera ca imperfectiunile copilului sunt imperfectiunile ei. Inima va simti obscuritatea, impuritatea si intunericul mintii ca fiind propriile ei imperfectiuni, si in acelasi timp, inima va putea sa ofere lumina mintii. In cea mai adanca liniste ea va transforma natura mintii.

Inceputul perfectiunii
Atunci cand cautatorul termina
Cu mintea sa critica.

Sri Chinmoy

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