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duminică, 1 decembrie 2013

You are always perfect - Tu esti mereu perfect

You are always perfect, eternally perfect. Nothing ever changes your nature, or ever will. All these ideas that I am imperfect, I am a man, or a woman, or a sinner, or I am the mind, I have thought, I will think - all are hallucinations; you never think, you never had a body; you never were imperfect. You are the blessed Lord of this universe, the one Almighty ruler of everything that is and ever will be, the one mighty ruler of these suns and stars and moons and earths and planets and all the little bits of our universe.

~ Swami Vivekananda

Esti mereu perfect, etern perfect. Nimic nu schimba vreodata natura ta, sau o va schimba. Toate aceste idei cum ca sunt imperfect, sunt barbat sau femeie, sau un pacatos sau sunt mintea, am un gand, voi gandi, - toate sunt halucinatii; tu  nu gandesti niciodata, nu ai avut niciodata un corp si nu ai fost niciodata imperfect. Tu esti  Domnul binecuvantat al acestui univers, Atotputernicul  conducator a tot ceea ce este sau va fi vreodata, puternicul domn al acestor sori, lune, pamanturi si planete si a fiecarei bucatele a universului nostru.

Swami Vivekananda

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