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duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

Do you want to shine? - Vrei sa stralucesti?

There shall come a time when each and every human being will enjoy the bright burst of oneness-delight.

We are now experiencing the finite. Unfortunately, we have not yet experienced the Infinite, the Immortal and the Eternal. Just because we have not yet felt the Infinite, we feel that the opposite-the finite-is hell. But we have to know that the bondage that we are experiencing every day is only a passing phase. It is like an overcast day. For a few hours the sun does not shine, but finally the sun comes out. Each individual has an inner sun. This inner sun is now covered by fear, doubt, worries, anxiety, imperfections and limitations. But a day will come when we will be able to remove these clouds, and then the inner sun will shine brightly.

Do you want to shine?
You can easily shine
Like the sun
In your self-offering
To God in man.

Va veni un timp cand fiecare fiinta umana se va bucura de explozia stralucitoare a unitatii-fericire.

Acum experimentam finitul. Din pacate, inca nu am am avut experienta Infinitului, a Nemuririi si a Eternului. Doar datorita faptului ca inca nu am simtit inca Infinitul, credem ca opusul lui-finitul-este iadul. Dar trebuie sa stim ca sclavia pe care o experimentam acum este doar o faza trecatoare. Este asemeni unei zile noroase. Timp de cateva ore soarele nu straluceste, dar in cele din urma apare. Fiecare persoana are un soare interior. Acum acest soare este acoperit de frica, indoiala, griji, anxietate, imperfectiuni si limitari. Dar va veni o zi cand vom fi capabili sa indepartam acesti nori, si apoi soarele interior va straluci cu putere. 

Vrei sa stralucesti?
Poti cu usurinta sa stralucesti
Asemeni soarelui
Prin daruirea-ta-de-sine
Catre Dumnezeu in om.

Sri Chinmoy

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