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vineri, 26 iulie 2013

Man has countless desires

There is no such thing as sweetness-expectations, for inside expectation there are always desire-thorns.

Man has countless desires. When his desires are not fulfilled, he curses himself; he feels that he is a failure, hopeless and helpless. He wants to prove his existence on earth with the fruits of his desires. He thinks that by fulfilling his desires he will be able to prove himself superior to others. Yet, alas, he fails, he has failed and he shall fail. But God comes to him and says, ”My child, you have not failed. You are not hopeless. You are not helpless. How can you be hopeless? I am growing in you with My ever-luminous and ever-fulfilling Dream. How can you be helpless? I am inside you as infinite power.” 

When we do not seek to dominate,
We can be happy.
When we do not expect,
We can be perfect.

Nu exista ceva de genul dulceata-asteptare, pentru ca in interiorul asteptarii exista intotdeauna dorintele-spini.

Omul are nenumarate dorinte. Atunci cand dorintele lui nu-i sunt indeplinite, el se blesteama, simte ca este un ratat, fara de speranta sau ajutor. El vrea sa demonstreze existenta lui pe pamant prin fructele dorintelor lui. El considera ca indeplinindu-si dorintele va putea sa arate ca este superior celorlalti. Si totusi, iata, el esueaza, a esuat, si va esua. Dar Dumnezeu vine la el si-i spune, „Copilul meu, nu ai esuat. Tu nu esti lipsit de speranta. Tu nu esti lipsit de ajutor. Cum poti fi lipsit de speranta? Eu cresc in tine cu Visul Meu mereu-luminos si mereu-implinitor. Cum poti fi lipsit de ajutor? Eu ma aflu in tine ca putere infinita.”

Atunci cand nu dorim sa dominam
Putem fi fericiti.
Atunci cand nu avem asteptari
 Putem fi perfecti.

Sri Chinmoy

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