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duminică, 14 iulie 2013

God-love is the medicine

Self-love and self-hatred are two diseases that can be cured by one medicine, and that medicine is God-love.

We want to please the world, but how can we please the world if we are not pleased with our own lives? It is sheer absurdity to try to please others if we are not pleased with our inner and outer existence. God has given us big mouths and we try to please others with our mouths, but inside our hearts there is a barren desert. If we have no aspiration, how can we offer the world peace, joy, and love? How can we offer anything divine when we do not practice what we preach? Spirituality offers us the capacity to practice what we preach. If we do not follow the path of spirituality we shall only preach; it will be a one-sided game. Our preaching will bear fruit only when it is practiced.

To uplift the earth-atmosphere,
Start from today
With the heart that gives
And the life that surrenders.

Dragostea-de-sine si ura-de-sine sunt doua boli care pot fi vindecate de un singur medicament, si acel medicament este dragostea-de Dumnezeu.

Vrem sa multumim lumea, dar cum putem noi sa multumim lumea daca noi insine nu suntem multumiti de viata noastra? Este o absurditate sa incercam sa-i multumim pe altii daca nu suntem multumiti de viata noastra exterioara si interioara. Dumnezeu ne-a dat guri mari si noi incercam sa-i multumim pe ceilalti cu gurile noastre, dar in inima noastra e un desert arid. Daca nu avem aspiratie, cum putem oferi pace, dragoste si bucurie lumii? Cum putem oferi ceva divin daca nu practicam ceea ce predicam? Spiritualitatea ne da capacitatea de a practica ceea ce predicam. Daca nu urmam calea spiritualitatii doar vom predica, va fi un joc unilateral. Predicatul nostru va da roade doar atunci cand practicam ceea ce predicam.

Pentru a inalta atmosfera-pamantului,
Incepe de azi
Cu inima care ofera
Si viata care se abandoneaza.

Sri Chinmoy 

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