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luni, 8 iulie 2013

The secret of my spiritual success

Do you know the secret of my spiritual success? I freed myself from the past. I live in a constant, unending newness of life. 

How can we grow into God? We must be ready every day to change, and not to remain prisoners of the past. When today is over we have to feel that it is past. It will not be of any help to us in growing into the Highest Supreme. No matter how sweet, how loving or how fulfilling the past was, it cannot give us anything now that we do not already have. We are moving forward towards the goal, so no matter how satisfying the past was, we have to feel that is only a prison. The seed grows into a plant, and then it becomes a huge tree. If the consciousness of the plant remains in the seed, then there will be no further manifestation. Yes, we shall remain grateful to the seed, because it enabled us to grow into a plant. But we will not pay much attention to the seed stage. Once we have become a plant, let our aim be to become a tree. Always we have to look forward towards the goal. Only when we become the tallest tree will our full satisfaction dawn.

Let yesterday sleep,
And allow not frustration
To rule your mind.
Tomorrow's satisfaction-sun
Will be all yours.
Just start seeing the rise
Of your surrender-heart-tide.

Stii care este secretul succesului meu spiritual? M-am eliberat de trecut. Traiesc intr-o noutate continuua nesfarsita a vietii.

Cum putem creste întru Dumnezeu? Trebuie sa fim gata in fiecare zi sa ne schimbam, si sa nu ramanem prizonierii trecutului. Atunci cand ziua de azi a trecut trebuie sa consideram ca ea este de domeniul trecutului. Nu ne va ajuta deloc in cresterea întru Supremul Cel mai inalt. Nu conteaza cat de dulce, cat de plin de iubire si implinire a fost trecutul, nu poate sa ne mai dea nimic acum ce nu avem deja. Noi ne miscam inainte catre tel, astfel incat nu conteaza cat de plin de satisfactie a fost trecutul, trebui sa intelegem ca el acum este doar o inchisoare pentru noi. Samanta creste intr-o planta si apoi devine un copac urias. Daca constiinta plantei ramane in samanta, atunci nu va mai fi nici o manifestare ulterioara. Da, trebuie sa ramanem recunoscatori semintei, pentru ca ne-a ajutat sa devenim o planta. Dar nu vom mai da multa atentie stadiului de samanta. Odata ce am devenit o planta, telul nostru devine un copac. Intotdeauna trebuie sa privim inainte catre tel. Doar atunci cand vom deveni cel mai inalt copac va aparea satisfactia noastra deplina. 

Lasa ziua de ieri sa doarma,
Si nu lasa frustrarea
Sa-ti conduca mintea
Soarele-satisfactie de maine
Va fi al tau in totalitate
Doar uita-te la cresterea
Maree-ei inimii tale de abandon.
Sri Chinmoy

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