Each time we meet somebody, we offer that person what we have inside us. Also we bring to the fore in that person what we have in our mind and heart. That happens also to the other person. Those very advanced people in the search of God, those who manifest their divinity very strong in their life, will offer us inspiration, and also will bring our own divinity to the fore. Sometimes those people may even not even practice intense spirituality, but they are simply natural divine children, so that they manifest divinity very strong, without much effort. That is the reason why we are so attracted to these persons, and we feel like being with them all the time. They bring our own divinity, beauty and love to the fore and we feel like divine children around them. These people are God's children, God's instruments and God's pride.
De fiecare data cand intalnim pe cineva, oferim acelei persoane ceea ce avem in interiorul nostru. De asemenea aducem la suprafata in acea persoana ceea ce avem in inima si mintea nostra. Asta este valabil si pentru cealalta persoana. Oamenii foarte avansati pe drumul cautarii lui Dumnezeu, cei care isi manifesta divinitatea foarte puternic in viata lor, ne vor oferi inspiratie, si de asemenea vor aduce si propria noastra divinitate la suprafata. Uneori acesti oameni pot chiar sa nu practice spiritualitatea foarte intens, ei sunt pur si simplu copii divini in mod natural, astfel incat ei manifesta divinitatea foarte puternic, fara un efort prea mare. Acesta este motivul pentru care suntem foarte atrasi de aceste persoane, si simtim ca am vrea sa ramanem mereu in preajma lor. Ei aduc propria noastra divinitate, frumustete si dragoste la suprafata si ne simtim ca niste copii divini in preajma lor. Acesti oameni sunt copii lui Dumnezeu, instrumentele lui Dumnezeu si mandria lui Dumnezeu.
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