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luni, 3 iunie 2013

If we know how to look at a problem

We agonize ourselves in trying to make a problem vanish. God laughs at us. But as soon as we accept a difficulty as inevitable, ordained by Him, it slowly melts away until the day comes when we wonder where it has disappeared.

If we know how to look at a problem, half the strength of the problem goes away. But usually we try to avoid the problem; we try to run away from it. A problem is not an indication of any fault or crime of ours, so why should we be afraid to face it? We must know that there are also wrong forces, undivine forces, hostile forces around us. By blaming ourselves and then trying to hide, we do not solve the problem. We have to face the problem and see whether we really are not the problem-maker but the problem-solver. We have to practice the spiritual life and develop inner detachment. Slowly, gradually, we will become inwardly strong, and then we will be able to solve the problems caused by our own inner weaknesses.

The darkness within you
Will die
Only when the devotedness  within you
Invoke illumination from above.

Noi agonizam incercand sa facem o problem sa dispara. Dumnezeu rade de noi. Dar imediat ce acceptam o dificultate ca fiind inevitabila, venind de la El, ea incet incet incepe sa se risipeasca pana cand vine ziua in care ne intrebam unde a disparut.

Daca stim cum sa privim o problema, jumatate din puterea ei a disparut. Dar de obicei noi incercam sa evitam problema; sa fugim de ea. O problema nu este semnul unei greseli sau a unui delict facut de noi, deci de ce ar trebui sa ne fie teama sa o infruntam? Trebuie sa stim de asemenea ca exista forte rele, forte nedivine, forte ostile in jurul nostru. Daca ne condamnam pe noi insine si apoi incercam sa ne ascundem, nu rezolvam problema. Trebuie sa infruntam problema si sa vedem daca nu suntem creatorul-problemei in loc sa fim cel ce rezolva problema. Trebuie sa practicam viata spirituala si sa dezvoltam detasarea interioara. Incet, gradual, vom deveni puternici in interior, si apoi vom fi capabili sa rezolvam problemele cauzate de propriile noastre slabiciuni.

Intunericul din tine
Va muri
Doar atunci cand devotiunea din tine
Va invoca iluminarea din înalt.

Sri Chinmoy

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