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luni, 24 iunie 2013

His real self is infinitely better

When you see that a person's defects and bad qualities are obvious, try to feel immediately that his defects and bad qualities do not represents him totally. His real self is infinitely better than what you see now.

If humanity had to become perfect before it could be accepted by you, then it would not need your love, affection and concern. But right now, in its imperfect state of consciousness, humanity does need your help. Give humanity unreservedly even the most insignificant and limited help that you have at your disposal. This is the golden opportunity. Once you miss this opportunity, your future suffering will be beyond your endurance, because a day will come when you will  realize that humanity's imperfection is you own imperfection. You are God's creation; so is humanity. Humanity is only an expression of your universal heart. You can and must love humanity, not just as a whole, but also specifically, if you realize the fact that until humanity has realized its supreme Goal, your own divine perfection will not be complete.

Your daily life peopled with
Seekers and non-seekers,
God-doubters and God-believers.
Your eye of concern
Encompasses them
And your heart of love
Teaches them.

Atunci cand vedeti ca defectele si calitatile negative ale unei persoane sunt evidente, inercati imediat sa simtiti ca defectele si calitatile lui negative nu il reprezinta in totalitate. Sinele lui real este infint mai bun decat ceea ce vedeti voi acum.

Daca omenirea trebuie sa devina perfecta inainte ca voi sa o puteti accepta, atunci nu ar avea nevoie de dragostea, afectiunea si grija voastra. Dar acum, la actualul ei nivel imperfect de constiinta, omenirea are nevoie de ajutorul vostru. Oferiti omenirii fara rezerve chiar si cel mai putin semnificativ si limitat ajutor pe care il aveti la dispozitie. Aceasta este o sansa de aur. Odata ce pierdeti aceasta ocazie, suferinta voastra viitoare va fi dincolo de capacitatea vostra de a suporta, pentru ca va veni o zi in  care veti intelege ca imperfectiunile omenirii sunt propriile voastre imperfectiuni. Voi sunteti creatia lui Dumnezeu si la fel este si omenirea. Omenirea este doar o expresie a inimii voastre universale. Voi puteti si trebuie sa iubiti omenirea, nu doar ca intreg, dar si personal, daca intelegeti  faptul ca pana cand omenirea nu-si va fi realizat Telul ei suprem, si perfectiunea vostra divina va fi imperfecta.

Viata voastra de zi cu zi este plina
De cautatori si non-cautatori,
De oameni care se indoiesc de Dumnezeu
Si oameni care cred in Dumnezeu.
Ochiul grijii voastre
Ii cuprinde pe toti
Iar inima voastra de iubire
Ii invata pe toti.

Sri Chinmoy

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