Real human love when comes in a human, comes in the heart. It is like a sun shinning in our heart offering love to all our being and also to the others. From there there are two ways the human love can go. It can go down and become animal or it can go up and become divine. It is up to us which way we direct this love. If we let our instincts to control this pure energy then they will destroy it forever, leading us to frustration and destruction. But if we offer this pure energy to the divinity within ourselves then that human love is transformed and become a divine love. The divine love is not for a person or for an object but a state of being. Like a flower that offers its beauty to everyone, like the sun that offers its light and brightness to everyone, in the same way the divine love offers itself for all those who wants to enjoy it. The object of our love only brings to the fore something that was forever inside us. This love do not come from somebody else or something else, it was always inside us. But sometimes we need others to show it. Another way to discover this love inside us is meditation and prayer.
Dragostea umana adevarata atunci cand vine in om, vine in inima. Ea este ca un soare stralucind in inima noastra oferind dragoste intregii noastre fiinte si celorlalti. De acolo sunt doua directii catre care dragostea umana poate merge. Poate sa o ia in jos si sa devina animala sau sa urce si sa devina divina. Depinde de noi in ce directie lasam dragostea sa mearga. Daca lasam instinctele noastre sa controleze aceasta energie pura atunci ele o vor distruge pentru totdeauna, ducandu-ne catre frustrare si distrugere. Dar daca oferim aceasta energie pura divinitatii din noi atunci acea dragoste umana este transformata si devine o dragoste divina. Dragostea divina nu este pentru o persoana sau pentru un obiect, ci un mod de a fi. Ca si o floare care isi ofera frumusetea tuturor, ca si soarele care ofera stralucirea si lumina sa tuturor, in acelasi fel, dragostea divina se ofera pe sine tuturor celor care vor sa se bucure de ea. Obiectul dragostei noastre doar aduce la suprafata ceva care a fost dintotdeauna in interiorul nostru. Aceasta dragoste nu vine de la o alta persoana sau alt lucru, ea a fost dintotdeauna in interiorul nostru. Dar uneori avem nevoie de altii sa ne-o arate. O alta cale de a descoperi aceasta dragoste din noi este rugaciunea si meditatia.
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