There are three kinds of creatures. - First there are angels, who are pure spiritual conscience. Worship, service and the remembrance of God are their nature and their food. They eat and live upon that essence. Like fish in the water, their mattress and pillow are the water. Angels are pure and free of lust, so what favor do they gain by not yielding to such desires? Since they are free of these things, they have no struggle against them. If they obey God’s will it is not counted as obedience, for this is their nature, and they cannot be otherwise.
Second are the beasts who are pure sensuality, having no spiritual conscience to restrain them. They too are under no burden of obligation.
Lastly, there remains the poor human being, who is a compound of spiritual conscience and sensuality. We are half angel, half beast. Half snake, half fish. The fish draws us toward water, the snake toward the earth. We are forever in battle. If our spiritual conscience overcomes our sensuality, we are higher than the angels. If our sensuality overcomes our spiritual conscience, we are lower than the beasts.
“The angel is saved through knowledge,
The animal - through ignorance.
Between the two struggle the people of this world.”
Now, some have followed their spiritual conscience so faithfully that they have become entirely angels and pure Light. They are the prophets and the saints. They are freed of fear and hope. In some, lust has overcome their spiritual conscience so entirely that they have taken on the status of animals. Some are still struggling. These last are the people who feel within themselves an agony and anguish, a sorrow and a longing. They are not satisfied with their lives. These are the believers. The saints are waiting to bring them to their own station, to make them like themselves, just as the satans, too, are waiting to draw them to the lowest of the low.
~ The Discourses of Rumi ♥
Exista trei tipuri de creaturi. Prima este cea a ingerilor, care sunt constiinta spirituala pura. Venerarea, servirea si amintirea lui Dumnezeu sunt natura si hrana lor. Ei se hranesc si traiesc cu aceasta esenta. Ca si pestele in apa, pentru care salteaua si perna sunt apa. Ingerii sunt puritate fara de dorinte, asa ca ce favor pot castiga ei daca nu ingaduie dorintele? deoarece ei sunt liberi de astfel de lucruri, ei nu trebuie sa lupte impotriva lor. Daca ei asculta de Voia lui Dumnezeu asta nu inseamna ascultare, pentru ca asta le este de fapt natura lor, si ei nu pot fi altfel.
Cel de-al doilea tip sunt animalele care sunt senzualitate pura, neavand constiinta spirituala care sa controleze aceasta senzualitate. Ele de asemenea nu au nicio grija sau obligatie.
In cele din urma, raman saracele fiinte umane, care se compun din constiinta spirituala si senzualitate. Noi suntem jumatate ingeri jumatate animale. Jumatate sarpe, jumatate peste. Pestele ne impinge catre apa, sarpele catre pamant. Suntem intr-o batalie constanta. Daca constiinta noastra spirituala invinge senzualitatea, suntem mai inalti decat ingerii. Daca senzualitatea noastra infrange constiinta noastra spirituala, suntem mai jos decat animalele.
„Ingerul este salvat prin cunoastere,
Animalul-prin ignoranta.
Intre cele doua se lupta oamenii acestei lumi.”
Acum, unii au urmat constiinta lor spirituala cu atata credinta incat ei au devenit in totalitate ingeri si Lumina pura. Ei sunt profetii si sfintii. Ei sunt liberi de teama si speranta. In altii dorinta a cucerit constiinta lor spirituala astfel incat ei au devenit animale. Unii inca se lupta. Acestia din urma sunt cei ce simt in ei chin si agonie, suferinta si dor. Ei nu sunt multumiti de viata lor. Acestia sunt credinciosii. Sfintii asteapta sa ii duca la locul lor, sa-i faca asemeni lor, la fel cum diavolii asteapta si ei sa îi traga catre adancul adancurilor.
Discurs Rumi
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