Meditation is the expansion of consciousness. When you are meditating, if you feel and know that along with you someone else will benefit from your meditation, then this is absolutely perfect meditation.
We who have started walking along the spiritual path are the forerunners. All will eventually run toward the same transcendental Goal. The majority of mankind will not always lag behind. All children of God, no matter how unconscious and unaspiring, will one day run toward the common Goal. This Goal is the supreme discovery of one's divinity and the constant and perfect manifestation of one's everlasting reality.
You are trying to liberate the world.
Before you can do that,
You have to raise
Your own spiritual standard
High, very high.
Meditatia este expasiunea constiintei. Atunci cand meditati, daca simtiti si stiti ca impreuna cu voi altcineva va beneficia de meditatia voastra, atunci aceasta este meditatia absolut perfecta.
Noi cei care am inceput sa mergem pe drumul meditatiei suntem deschizatorii de drum. In cele din urma, toti vor alerga catre acelasi Tel transcedental. Majoritatea omenirii nu va ramane mereu in urma. Toti copii lui Dumnezeu, nu conteaza cat de inconstienti si lipsiti de aspiratie sunt, vor alerga intr-o zi catre Telul comun. Acest Tel este descoperirea divinitatii din noi si manifestarea constanta si perfecta a realitatii noastre eterne.
Tu incerci sa eliberezi lumea.
Inainte sa poti face asta,
Trebuie sa iti ridici
Propriul tau standard spiritual
Sus, foarte sus.
Sri Chinmoy
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