If you feel that it is not enough just to maintain your existence on earth, if you feel that your existence should have some meaning, some purpose, some fulfillment, then you have to go to the inner life.
Aspiring people will try to go beyond earthly circumstances and events and surrender to their inner divinity. This is not the surrender of a slave to the master; it is not a helpless surrender. Here one surrenders his imperfections, limitations, bondage and ignorance to his highest self, which is flooded with peace, light and bliss. Here one does not lose his individuality or personality. No! Rather his individuality and his personality are enlarged. They expand into Infinity.
He has experienced the beauty
Of his inner life.
Therefore he is happy.
He has now surrender
The ugliness of his outer life
To his Beloved Supreme
So that both he and his Lord
Can be happy.
Daca simtiti ca nu este suficient doar sa va pastrati existenta pe pamant, daca considerati ca existenta voastra ar trebui sa aiba o anumita semnificatie, un anumit scop, o anumita implinire, atunci trebuie sa mergeti catre viata interioara.
Oamenii care aspira vor incerca sa mearga dincolo de circumstantele si evenimentele lumesti si sa se abandoneze divinitatii lor interioare. Acesta nu este abandonul unui sclav in fata stapanului, nu este un abandon neputincios. Aici se abandoneaza imperfectiunile, limitarile, robia si ignoranta noastra in fata sinelui mai inalt, care este incarcat cu pace, lumina si beatitudine. Nu este vorba de pierderea individualitatii sau a personalitatii. Nu! Mai degraba individualitatea si personalitatea celui care se abandoneaza sunt largite. Ele se extind întru Infinit.
El a experimentat frumusetea
Vietii lui interioare.
De aceea e fericit.
Acum el abandoneaza
Uratenia vietii lui exterioare
Iubitului sau Suprem
Astfel incat atat el cat si Domnul sau
Sa poata fi fericiti.
Sri Chinmoy
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