”Every thought of God, no matter how insignificant, is, indeed, a life-transforming prayer to God.
You have to concentrate only on one thing: the positive side of life not the negative side of life.
If I really want peace in my life, then I must not busy myself with what others do and say.” Sri Chinmoy
„Fiecare gand despre Dumnezeu, nu conteaza cat este de nesemnificativ, este intr-adevar, o rugaciune ce ne transforma viata, catre Dumnezeu.
Trebuie sa va concentrati asupra unui singur lucru: partea pozitiva a vietii si nu asupra celei negative a vietii.
Daca vreau cu adevarat pace in viata mea, atunci nu trebuie sa ma intereseze ce fac ceilalti sau ce zic ceilalti.” Sri Chinmoy
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