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marți, 26 noiembrie 2013

Succesul in viata - The success in life

The life of possession constantly makes us think only of success in life.

In order to arrive at the door of success, many times we adopt foul means. Even if we do not adopt foul means, we are always in the world of competition. By competing with others, even by defeating others, the joy and satisfaction that we get cannot last. When we feel that we have become something on the strength of our success, our sincerity tells us that there is someone superior to us. Somebody becomes a great poet, a great athlete, a great singer, and he is bloated with pride. But when he looks around, in the twinkling of an eye he sees that there is someone who writes far better than he does, somebody who plays sports or sings far better than he. In every walk of life he sees somebody better that himself. So success finally becomes frustration, and frustration is bound to be followed by destruction. 

The heart of progress-oneness
Satisfies both God and man.
The mind of success-prowess
Satisfies only man.

O viata de posesie constanta ne face sa ne gandim doar la succes in viata.

Pentru a ajunge la usa succesului, de multe ori folosim mijloace urate. Chiar daca nu folosim mijloace josnice, suntem mereu in lumea competitiei. Concurand cu altii, chiar si invingandu-i, bucuria si satisfactia pe care o vom primi nu va putea dainui. Atunci cand credem ca am devenit cineva in virtutea succesului nostru, sinceritatea noastra ne spune ca exista cineva superior noua. Cineva a devenit un mare poet, un mare atlet, cantaret si el este plin de mandrie. Dar atunci cand se uita in jur, intr-o clipita el vede ca este cineva care scrie mai bine decat el, cineva care este un sportiv mai bun decat el sau canta mult mai bine decat el. In toate domeniile vietii el vede pe cineva mai bun decat el. Asa ca succesul devine in cele din urma frustrare si frustrarea este obligata sa fie urmata de distrugere.

Inima progres-unitate
Satisface atat pe Dumnezeu cat si pe om.
Mintea succes-bravada
Il satisface doar pe om.

Sri Chinmoy

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