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marți, 3 decembrie 2013

Be wise! - Fiti intelepti!

Be wise! Ask your heart to feel, and do not ask your mind to understand.

The heart always offers the same message. When we sit down to meditate in the morning, it gives one message. In the evening when we meditate, we will again get the same message from the heart. But in the case of the mind, one moment it says one thing, and the next moment it says something else. One moment the mind will say, ”He is a good man. Last night he appreciated me in front of other people.” But the next moment our mind remembers the past, even though the past is now irrelevant. Then it says, ” He is a rascal. He lied to me twenty years ago.” So let us always listen to the dictates of the heart.

Think of your heart all the time.
Sooner or later
Your mind will not mind
Following your heart.

Fiti intelepti! Cereti-i inimii sa simta si nu mintii sa inteleaga.

Inima ofera intotdeauna aceleasi mesaj. Atunci cand meditam dimineata, ea ne ofera un mesaj.  Seara cand meditam, vom primi acelasi mesaj de la inima. Dar in cazul mintii, intr-un moment spune un lucru si in urmatorul ne spune altceva. Acum mintea ne spune „E un om bun. Ieri seara m-a apreciat in fata celorlalti.” Dar in urmatorul moment mintea isi aduce aminte de trecut, chiar daca acum trecutul este nesemnificativ. Si apoi spune,  „E un nenorocit. M-a mintit acum douazeci de ani.” Asa ca hai sa ascultam mereu de dictatele inimii.

Gandeste-te la inima ta mereu
Mai devreme sau mai tarziu
Mintea ta va accepta 
Sa urmeze inima.

Sri Chinmoy

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