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miercuri, 11 decembrie 2013

Patience is need it - Rabdarea este necesara

A feeble prayer brings down God's omnipotent Grace. Such is the magnanimity of God's Compassion.

We have to feel that we are divine farmers. We cultivate the land and sow the seed. Then we have to wait for rain, for the divine Grace. A farmer does not get a bumper crop in a day. Similarly, a spiritual seeker will not get the bumper crop of God-realization in a single day. If he wants to do this, then he is pushing and pulling beyond the capacity of his receptivity. He will naturally be frustrated and this frustration he will call hell. He must wait for God's choice Hour and remain satisfied with the idea that God will give him the capacity to meditate at His choice Hour. Patience is necessary. God has given us the capacity to meditate, so we should be grateful that He has chosen us right now. If we pull, if we push, then frustration will appear; and in frustration we will feel hell. We will doubt our own spiritual capacity, and God's existence. So if we meditate for God's sake and not for our own sake, then we will never have doubt or the feeling of hell.

To triumph over our earthly sorrows
What we need
Is the power of our own faith
And the Hour of God's choice.

O rugaciune cat de mica coboara Gratia omnipotenta a lui Dumnezeu. Asa maretie are Compasiunea lui Dumnezeu. 

Trebuie sa consideram ca suntem niste fermieri divini. Cultivam acest pamant si semanam samanta. Apoi va trebui sa asteptam ploaia, Gratia divina. Un fermier nu isi obtine recolta intr-o zi. La fel, un cautator spiritual nu va obtine recolta realizarii-lui-Dumnezeu intr-o singura zi. Daca vrea sa faca asta, atunci el forteaza dincolo de capacitatea receptivitatii lui. Apoi el va fi frustrat, normal, si aceasta frustrare el o va numi iad. Trebuie sa asteptam Ora aleasa a lui Dumnezeu. Rabdarea este necesara. Dumnezeu ne-a dat capacitatea sa meditam, asa ca ar trebui sa fim recunoscatori ca El ne-a ales chiar acum. Daca tragem sau impingem, frustarea va aparea, si in frustrare vom simti iadul. Ne vom indoi de propria noastra capacitate spirituala si de existenta lui Dumnezeu. Deci daca meditam de dragul lui Dumnezeu si nu pentru noi, nu vom avea niciodata indoiala sau sentimentul de iad.

Pentru a triumfa asupra supararilor noastre pamantesti
Ce este necesar
Este puterea credintei noastre
Si Ora alegerii lui Dumnezeu.

Sri Chinmoy 

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