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luni, 20 ianuarie 2014

Essence of divinity - Esenta divinitatii

When we see the divinity in the others it has a double action. First brings to the fore the divinity in the others, and on the other hand brings our own divinity forward. So we should try to remember as often as we can the essence of divinity from the people around us and in us. That will help and inspire them and also help and uplift us. That is one of the easiest and most simple way to make progress in the spiritual life.

Atunci cand vedem divinitatea in ceilalti aceasta are o actiune dubla. In primul rand aduce la suprafata divinitatea din ceilalti, iar pe de alta parte propria noastra divinitate vine in fata. Ar trebui deci sa ne amintim cat mai des ca esenta celor din jurul nostru si a noastra este divinitatea. Asta îi va ajuta si inspira pe ei si ne va ajuta si ne va ridica pe noi. Aceasta este una din cele mai simple si usoare modalitati de a face progres in viata spirituala. 

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