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marți, 3 septembrie 2013

God asks you - Dumnezeu iti cere

Do not ridicule the sad failure of others. Who knows, you too may be sailing in the same boat before long.

The very idea of considering a mistake as something shameful or unmentionable create a wrong vibration. We should always identify ourselves with our largest part, with the all-embracing part that includes the whole world, the entire humanity. At that time our so-called mistake is not a mistake. Then we feel that it is only an imperfection. It is a game of imperfection that we have played unconsciously but not deliberately. Instead, what we actually do is separate ourselves from the mistake as if it were something dirty, obscene and so ugly that we cannot touch it. With this approach we will never make progress. Instead, let us take the mistake as a lump of clay. This lump of clay can easily be shaped or moulded into a different form. Then,  if we have wisdom enough, light enough, we can use that form for various purposes.

God asks you
Only for one favor:
Not to try to remember
Your past failure-life.

Nu ironiza tristul esec al altora. Cine stie, in curand e posibil sa fii si tu in aceeasi barca.

Simpla ideea de a considera o greseala ca fiind ceva rusinos sau de nementionat creaza o vibratie gresita. Ar trebui sa ne identificam mereu cu partea noastra cea mai mare, cu partea atotcuprinzatoare care include intreaga lume, intreaga omenire. Atunci asa numita noastra greseala nu mai este o greseala. Atunci simtim ca este doar o imperfectiune. Este un joc al imperfectiunii pe l-am jucat inconstient insa nu deliberat. In schimb, ceea ce facem noi este sa ne separam de greseala ca si cum ar fi ceva murdar, obscen si atat de urat incat nu putem sa ne atingem de ea. Cu aceasta abordare nu vom progresa niciodata. In schimb, hai sa consideram greseala ca o bucata de lut. Acestei bucati de lut i se pot da cu usurinta diferite forme. Apoi, daca suntem suficient de intelepti, si avem suficienta lumina, putem folosi aceasta forma in diverse scopuri.

Dumnezeu iti cere 
O singura favoare:
Nu incerca sa-ti amintesti
Viata-esec a trecutului tau.

Sri Chinmoy

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