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duminică, 8 septembrie 2013

Oneness - Unitate

Ambition does not know that it shows us the way to an unsatisfied greatness.

Name, fame, earthly prosperity and earthly achievements will always prove to be useless, useless, useless, even for those who are not sincere seekers. There comes a time when even an ordinary human being will not hesitate to say that earthly achievements all end in frustration. Only one thing has the capacity to give satisfaction and that is oneness-conscious, constant, complete, unreserved and unconditional oneness with the Will of the Supreme.

Pray to God
And meditate on God
Every day
To use you in His own way
So that He does not see you
As one of the countless
Useless human lives.

Ambitia nu stie ca ne arata drumul catre o maretie plina de nemultumire.

Numele, faima, prosperitatea si realizarile pamantesti se vor dovedi mereu inutile, inutile, inutile, chiar si pentru cei care nu sunt cautatori sinceri. Vine un timp cand chiar si o fiinta umana obisnuita nu va ezita sa spuna ca toate realizarile lumeasti sfarsesc in frustrare. Doar un singur lucru are capacitatea sa dea satisfactie si acela este unitatea-unitatea, constienta, constanta, completa, neconditionata si fara de rezerve cu Voia Supremului.

Roaga-te la Dumnezeu
Si mediteaza asupra lui Dumnezeu
In fiecare zi
Pentru ca El sa te foloseasca in felul sau propriu
Astfel incat sa nu te vada
Ca una din nenumaratele fiinte umane inutile.

Sri Chinmoy

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