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duminică, 1 septembrie 2013

What is a mistake? - Ce este o greseala?

Delete from your conscious and unconscious memory the pangs of your past failure-life.

What is a mistake after all? If we think that a mistake means something that is to be followed by punishment, then we are totally wrong. First of all, let us take it as a failure. What is failure? Failures are the pillars of success. Let us take failure as God's experience in us. God is constantly experiencing Himself in us and through us. At the same time, He is running and carrying us towards the ultimate Goal of perfection. Let us take mistakes as half truths. If we take them as something abominable and unpardonable, then they will never be rectified or shaped into truth. But if we consider mistakes as imperfect or infinitesimal truths, if we see in a mistake an iota of truth, only then can we feel that the mistake can be rectified and transformed into truth.

You say to God,
"Father, I have failed."
God says to you,
"Are you sure, My son?"
You say to God,
"Father, I have succeeded!"
God says to you,
"My son,I am not so sure."

Sterge din memoria ta constienta si inconstienta durerile esecurilor vietii tale trecute.

Ce este o greseala la urma urmei? Daca consideram ca o greseala inseamna ceva ce este urmat de pedeapsa, atunci gresim total. In primul rand haideti sa o consideram ca fiind un esec. Ce este un esec? Esecurile sunt stilpii de sustinere ai succesului. Hai sa consideram esecul ca experienta lui Dumnezeu in noi. Dumnezeu se experimenteaza pe El insusi in mod constant in si prin noi. In acelasi timp, El ne alearga si ne duce catre Telul ultim al perfectiunii. Hai sa consideram greselile ca jumatati de adevar. Daca le consideram ca ceva abominabil si de neiertat, ele nu vor fi indreptate niciodata sau schimbate in adevar. Dar daca consideram greselile ca adevaruri imperfecte si infime, daca vedem intr-o greseala un adevar cat de mic, doar atunci putem sa simtim ca greseala poate fi rectificata si transformata in adevar.

Tu ii spui lui Dumnezeu,
„Tata, am esuat.”
Dumnezeu iti spune,
„Esti sigur, copilul meu?”
Tu ii spui lui Dumnezeu,
„Tata am resusit!”
Dumnezeu iti spune,
„Fiul meu, nu sunt chiar atat de sigur.”

Sri Chinmoy

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