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joi, 19 septembrie 2013

Patience is divine strength - Rabdarea este tarie divina

Patience is divine strength.

Very often ordinary people do not know the meaning of patience. They feel that it is something feminine, a form of cowardice or a reluctant way of accepting the truth. They feel that because there is no other way left, we have to be patient. But if consciously we can be patient, then we are strengthening our inner will and lengthening the scope of our divine manifestation.

Be a heart of patience
And a life of dynamism.
God will love you more.

Rabdarea este tarie divina.

Adesea oamenii obisnuiti nu cunosc sensul rabdarii. Ei cred ca este ceva feminin, o forma lasa sau ezitanta de a accepta adevarul. Ei considera ca trebuie sa avem rabdare pentru ca nu exista o alta cale. Dar daca putem avea rabdare in mod constient, atunci ne intarim vointa noastra interioara si largim gama manifestarii noastre divine.

Fii o inima de rabdare
Si o viata de dinamism.
Dumnezeu te va iubi mai mult.

Sri Chinmoy

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