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joi, 3 octombrie 2013

Man's greatest and highest blessing - Cea mai mare si cea mai inalta binecuvantare a omului

A life of peace is the result of our unconditional dedication to the Will of the Supreme. If we do not expect anything from the world, either good or bad, then we will have peace in our entire being. 

Peace is man's greatest and highest blessing. Man thinks that he can get everything with prosperity; but if he is wanting in peace, then he is the worst possible beggar. We say "peace of mind" but actually we do not have peace in the mind. By staying in the mind we can never have even a glimpse of peace. When we want peace, we have to go beyond the realm of the mind. How can we go beyond the mind? It is through our constant aspiration. That aspiration will enable us to collect the mind like a bundle and throw it into the sea of the heart. Then we will see that our mind, vital and physical-our whole existence-will be inundated with inner peace.

Every day try to increase
Your love to God.
The peace will automatically unfold
In your unquiet mind.

O viata de pace este rezultatul dedicatiei tale neconditionate fata de Voia Supremului. Daca nu asteptam nimic de la lume, fie el bun sau rau, atunci vom avea pace in intreaga fiinta.

Pacea este cea mai mare si cea mai inalta binecuvantare a omului. Omul crede ca poate obtine totul prin prosperitate, dar daca doreste pace, atunci el este cel mai amarat cersetor. Spunem „pacea mintii” dar de fapt noi nu avem pace in minte. Ramanand in minte nu vom putea avea niciodata nicio o farama de pace. Atunci cand ne dorim pace, trebuie sa mergem dincolo de taramul mintii. Cum putem merge dincolo de minte? Putem face asta prin aspiratia nostra constanta. Aceasta aspiratie ne va da posibilitatea sa ne adunam mintea asemeni unui pachet si sa o aruncam in inima. Apoi vom vedea ca mintea, vitalul si fizicul-intreaga noastra existenta-vor fi inundate de pace interioara.

In fiecare zi incearca sa maresti
Dragostea ta pentru Dumnezeu. 
Pacea, in mod automat se va manifesta
In mintea ta nelinistita.

Sri Chinmoy

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