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vineri, 11 octombrie 2013

The ultimate Truth - Adevarul ultim

If you want to know the ultimate Truth, then go beyond the human mind.

In the field of manifestation we have to be very, very careful with the truth. Truth has to be spoken, but we have to know that God's Will is infinitely more important than the so-called utterance of truth. If we give the same importance to earthly mundane truth that we give to the eternal Truth, then we will be making a Himalayan mistake. If we speak truth just for the sake of truth, then we may create more disharmony, more frustration and more misery in life. Beyond the so-called earthly truth we have to see God's Vision, which is the ultimate Truth.

We realize the highest Truth
Only when we are fully prepared 
To renounce the hungry cry
Of our desire-life.

Daca vrei sa aflii Adevarul ultim, atunci mergi dincolo de mintea umana.

In campul manifestarii trebuie sa fim foarte, foarte atenti cu adevarul. Adevarul trebuie sa fie spus, dar trebuie sa stim ca Voia lui Dumnezeu este infinit mai importanta decat asa numita rostire a adevarului. Daca dam aceiasi importanta adevarului lumesc ca si Adevarului etern, atunci noi facem o greseala uriasa. Daca spunem adevarul doar de dragul adevarului, atunci este posibil sa cream mai multa frustrare, discordie si suferinta in viata. Dincolo de asa-numitul adevar lumesc trebuie sa vedem Viziunea lui Dumnezeu, care este Adevarul Ultim.

Realizam cel mai inalt adevar 
Doar atunci cand suntem pe deplin pregatiti
Sa renuntam la plansul infometat
Al vietii noastre de dorinta.

Sri Chinmoy

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