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sâmbătă, 5 octombrie 2013

Self-confidence - Increderea-de-sine

A fountain of God-thought tells me that mine is not a weak and mortal birth.

Self-confidence comes into existence when we feel that there is some higher force that is constantly looking after us and guiding us. If we do not have that kind of feeling or belief, then we can have no abiding self-confidence. We have to cultivate faith in our Inner Pilot. Right now He is unknowable. If we pray and meditate, He becomes knowable. And if we continue along the spiritual path, He eventually becomes totally known. Self-confidence comes into existence when we offer our very existence to a higher force. If that higher force is right now only imaginary, no harm. If we have faith and if we surrender our existence to the higher force, then self-confidence is automatically achieved in our life of aspiration.

Do not allow your heart,
Like your mind,
To be cramped
In life's insecurity-cage.

Fantana gandului lui Dumnezeu imi spune ca nu m-am nascut pentru o viata muritoare plina de slabiciuni.

Increderea-de-sine se naste atunci cand simtim ca o forta mai inalta are grija de noi in mod constant si ne ghideaza. Daca nu avem acest sentiment sau credinta, atunci nu putem sa avem incredere-de-sine reala. Trebuie sa cultivam credinta in Pilotul nostru Interior. Acum El nu poate fi cunoscut. Daca ne rugam si meditam, El va putea fi cunoscut. Si daca continuam sa mergem pe calea spirituala, El in cele din urma va deveni total cunoscut. Increderea-de-sine se naste atunci cand ne oferim existenta unei forte mai inalte. Daca aceasta forta mai inalta este acum doar imaginara, nu e nicio problema. Daca avem credinta si ne abandonam existenta unei forte mai inalte, atunci increderea-de-sine va fi obtinuta in mod automat in viata noastra de aspiratie. 

Nu lasa inima ta,
Asemeni mintii,
Sa fie strivita
In temnita lipsita de siguranta a vietii.

Sri Chinmoy

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