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sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Before you act - Inainte de a actiona

Real divine practicality allows us to feel the divine motivation in all our actions and share the inner wealth from each action with others.

Before you act, try to feel that this action does not belong to you. And while acting, feel that you are not the doer, but someone else is acting in and through you. Then, when the result is out, you have to share it with the others. Feel that it is not you who is acting, but rather the person who is inspiring you, who is acting in and through you. This person is none other than your Inner Pilot. If you can feel this, then you can have divine practicality in your life at every moment.

Why do you feel
That you are alone?
There is someone
Who is thinking of you.
There is someone
Who is doing everything for you.

A fi practic in mod divin ne permite sa simtim motivatia divina in toate actiunile noastre si sa impartasim bogatia interioara din fiecare actiune cu ceilalti.

Inainte de a actiona, incearca sa simti ca aceasta actiune nu-ti apartine. Si in timp ce actionezi, simte ca nu tu esti cel ce actioneaza, ci altcineva actioneaza in si prin tine. Apoi, atunci cand apare rezultatul, trebuie sa-l impartasesti cu ceilalti. Simte ca nu tu esti cel ce actioneaza, ci mai degraba persoana care te inspira este cea care actioneaza in si prin tine. Aceasta persoana nu este nimeni altcineva decat Pilotul tau Interior. Daca poti simti asta, atunci poti fi practic in mod divin in viata ta in fiecare moment.

De ce crezi ca esti singur?
Este cineva care se gandeste la tine.
Este cineva care face totul pentru tine.

Sri Chinmoy

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