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luni, 29 iulie 2013

If you want to understand yourself

If you want to understand yourself, then do not examine yourself. Just love yourself more sincerely, more soulfully and more self-givingly.

I love myself. What do I love about myself? Not my body. If I love my body for the sake of my body, tomorrow I shall be frustrated because there are millions and billions of human beings on earth who are more beautiful than I am. Naturally, I will feel miserable. If I love my physical mind for the sake of my mind, tomorrow I shall see millions and billions of mental giants right in front of me, and my mental capacity will fade into insignificance. If I love my vital dynamism for the sake of my vital dynamism, then I shall see that there are millions and billions of people who are simply inundated with striking dynamism. Similarly, if I love anything else of my own for its own sake, I am bound to be frustrated. I shall defeat my own divine purpose. But if I love myself just because God is expressing Himself through this body, vital, mind, and heart, then I see that I am unique and peerless in the whole history of the universe, because no other individual is going to be created by God with the same capacities, the same understanding, or the same experiences.

A heart of love
Has to be used
Always for a sacred purpose.

Daca vrei sa te intelegi pe tine insuti, atunci nu te examina. Doar iubeste-te cu mai multa sinceritate, insufletire si daruire-de-sine.

Ma iubesc pe mine insumi. Ce iubesc la mine? Nu corpul meu. Daca imi iubesc corpul de dragul corpului, maine voi fi frustrat ca exista milioane si miliarde de oameni pe pamant care sunt mai frumosi decat mine. Si normal ma voi simti mizerabil. Daca imi iubesc mintea fizica doar de dragul mintii, maine voi vedea ca sunt milioane si miliarde de giganti mentali in fata mea, si capacitatea mea mentala va deveni  nesemnificativa. Daca imi iubesc dinamismul vital doar de dragul lui, voi vedea ca sunt milioane si miliarde de oameni care sunt pur si simplu inundati de un dinamism uimitor. In mod similar, daca iubesc orice parte din mine doar pentru ea insasi, voi fi nevoit sa fiu frustrat. Imi voi invinge propriul meu scop divin. Dar daca ma iubesc pentru ca Dumnezeu se exprima pe El insusi prin acest corp, vital, minte si inima, atunci inteleg ca sunt unic si lipsit de comparatie in intreaga istorie a universului, pentru ca nimeni nu va mai fi creat de Dumnezeu cu aceleasi capacitati, aceiasi intelegere, sau aceleasi experiente.

O inima de dragoste
Trebuie sa fie folosita
Intotdeauna pentru un tel sacru.

Sri Chinmoy

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