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marți, 30 iulie 2013

No mud, no lotus

Without mud, you cannot have a lotus flower. Without suffering, you have no ways in order to learn how to be understanding and compassionate. Happiness is the lotus flower, and the suffering is the mud. So the practice is how to make use of the suffering, make use of the mud, to create the flower, the happiness, and this is possible.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Fara noroi, nu poti avea o floare de lotus. Fara suferinta, nu ai cum sa inveti sa fii intelegator si plin de compasiune. Fericirea este lotusul, iar suferinta este namolul. Practica inseamna cum sa folosim suferinta, cum sa folosim namolul, pentru a crea floarea, fericirea si asta este posibil.

Thich Nhat hanh

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