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vineri, 12 iulie 2013

A full harvest of peace

A full harvest of peace I collected the day I realized that neither earth's hunger nor Heaven's good feast desires my eager presence.

Peace comes to us and we lose it because we feel that we are not responsible for humanity, or that we are not part and parcel of humanity. We have to feel that God and humanity are like a great tree. God is the tree, and the branches are His manifestation. We are branches, and there are many other branches. All these branches are part of the tree and  are one with each other and with the tree. If we can feel that we have the same relationship with God and with humanity as the branch has with its fellow branches and with the tree as a whole, we are bound to get everlasting peace. 

There are two medicines
To give you peace of mind:
''I am everything"
"This world does not belong to me"
Use one of the two.

O recolta imbelsugata de pace am cules in ziua in care am realizat ca nici foamea pamantului  si nici ospatul Raiului nu doresc prezenta mea avida. 

Pacea vine la noi si noi o pierdem pentru ca consideram ca suntem responsabili pentru omenire, sau ca nu suntem parte integranta din omenire. Trebuie sa simtim ca Dumnezeu si omenirea sunt ca un mare copac. Dumnezeu este copacul , iar ramurile sunt manifestarea Lui. Noi suntem ramurile, si mai exista multa alte ramuri. Toate aceste ramuri fac parte din copac si exista o unitate intre ele si intre ele si copac. Daca putem simti ca avem aceiasi relatie cu Dumnezeu si cu omenirea cum are ramura cu celelelte ramuri si cu copacul ca intreg, atunci suntem obligati sa primim pace eterna. 

Exista doua medicamente
Pentru a oferi pace mintii:
„Eu sunt totul”
„Aceasta lume nu-mi apartine”
Foloseste unul din ele.

Sri Chinmoy

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