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luni, 15 iulie 2013

What do we get from the inner life?

What do we get from the inner life? We get simplicity, sincerity, integrity, purity, humility and divinity. He who has all these divine qualities will, without fail, have a life of joy, peace, freedom and fulfillment. And he who does not have these divine qualities will unmistakably have a life of tears, turmoil, bondage and frustration. 

From the inner life we get a growing, flowing and energising consciousness to illumine and perfect our thoughts and feelings and to accomplish our aims. We can also grow into active and effective participants in God's cosmic experience. To live an inner life is to become fully conscious of God's existence. To become fully conscious of God's existence is to love humanity's breath with a boundless heart. The divine harmony is and can be established in one's inner and outer nature only when one accepts the inner life as a source of constant inspiration to guide, mould and shape the outer life. 

Life's battlefield
Will be all peace
When the sound of the mind
Gives way
To the silence of the heart.

Ce obtinem de la viata interioara? Primim simplitate, sinceritate, integritate, puritate, umilinta si divinitate. Cel ce are toate aceste calitati divine va avea, cu siguranta, o viata de bucurie, pace, libertate si implinire. Iar cel ce nu are aceste calitati divine va avea fara nici un dubiu o viata de lacrimi, agitatie, robie si frustrare.

De la viata interioara primim o constiinta care care creste, curge si ne da energie pentru a ilumina si perfectiona gandurile si sentimentele noastre si pentru a ne implini telurile. Putem de asemenea sa devenim participanti activi si eficienti in experienta cosmica a lui Dumnezeu. A trai o viata interioara inseamna sa devii pe deplin constient de existenta lui Dumnezeu. A deveni pe deplin constient de existenta lui Dumnezeu inseamna sa iubesti suflarea omenirii cu o inima netarmuita. Armonia divina este si poate fi stabilita in natura interioara si exterioara a cuiva doar daca este acceptata viata interioara ca sursa de inspiratie constanta pentru a ne ghida, modela si forma viata exterioara.

Batalia vietii 
Se va transforma in pace
Atunci cand sunetul mintii
Lasa loc tacerii inimii.

Sri Chinmoy

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