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sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2013

May the breath of spirituality become my life's only strength

May the breath of spirituality become my life's only strength.

When the ego is operating, we feel that we are indispensable. We feel that we know better than everybody else and we are responsible for everybody. We feel that everybody needs us. The transcendental Self houses the entire cosmos and offers liberation or freedom to each individual soul. The big ''I'' is always extending itself. When we are consciously expanding, we drink in ecstasy. We expand like a bird spreading its wings. When we try to possess something, we try it to possess it by hook and by crook. But the spontaneous expansion of our consciousness is like a mother spreading her arms around her children . There is no possessive feeling. We just feel that on the strength of our aspiration, we are extending our inner reality.

Look up, look up!
His Cry is in you.
His Smile is for you.

Fie ca suflarea spiritualitatii sa devina singura puterea in viata mea. 

Atunci cand egoul opereaza, noi consideram ca suntem indispensabili. Credem ca stim mai bine decat oricine altcineva si ca suntem responsabili pentru toata lumea. Simtim ca toata lumea are nevoie de noi. Sinele transcedental gazduieste intregul cosmos si ofera libertate si eliberare fiecarui suflet. Marele „Eu” se extinde mereu. Atunci cand ne largim in mod constient, bem din extaz. Ne extindem asemeni unei pasari care-si intinde aripile. Atunci cand incercam sa posedam ceva, incercam sa o facem prin orice mijloace. Dar expansiunea spontana a cosntiintei noastre este asemeni unei mame care-si intinde bratele in jurul copiilor ei. Nu exista nici un sentiment de posesivitate acolo. Doar simtim ca prin puterea aspiratiei noastre ne extindem realitatea interioara.

Priveste sus, priveste sus!
Plansul Lui este in tine.
Zambetul Lui este pentru tine.

Sri Chinmoy

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