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joi, 4 iulie 2013

Your loving heart - Inima ta iubitoare

Your loving heart is your inexhaustible wealth in your inner world.

A spiritual seeker uses his heart and his soul to see the world within and the world without. He does not use his outer eyes. He has seen time and again that the vision of his outer eyes is limited, precisely because this vision is guided by the subtle or unconscious operation of the unlit, unillumined mind. It is simple impossible for the outer eyes to identify themselves with the quintessence of beauty. But if we use the heart, immediately we become part and parcel of the substance and essence of what we are seeing.

The unaspiring mind thinks
That meditation is a waste of time.
The aspiring heart feels and knows
That meditation is the secret and sacred blossoming
Of one's Heaven-ascending life.

Inima voastra iubitoare este bogatia inepuizabila pe care o aveti in lumea interioara.

Un cautator spiritual isi foloseste inima si sufletul pentru a vedea lumea interioara si pe cea exterioara. El nu foloseste ochii sai exteriori. El a vazut iarasi si iarasi ca viziunea ochilor exteriori este limitata, deoarece aceasta viziune este ghidata de actiunea subtila sau inconstienta a mintii ne-iluminate, intunecate. Este pur si simplu imposibil pentru ochii exteriori sa se identifice cu chintesenta frumusetii. Dar daca ne folosim inima, imediat devenim parte integranta a substantei si a esentei lucrului pe care-l vedem.

Mintea lipsita de aspiratie gandeste
Ca meditatia este o pierdere de timp.
Inima care aspira simte si stie
Ca meditatia este inflorirea sacra si secreta
A vietii care urca catre Rai.

Sri Chinmoy


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