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marți, 8 aprilie 2014

The seeker - Cautătorul

What is a seeker? A seeker is that individual that is not satisfied with what he has and what he is, that individual that feels that beyond the appearance of this world there is something deeper and more intense, and who consciously try to find that something in order to be happy. It is a journey that he do not know when it is going to end, how it will evolve, and where it will lead him. But he knows that he is decided to do everything in his power to go till the end. The road will not be always sunny, it will be ups and downs, dark times of pain and desperate fighting, but the destination, the goal it will attract and beckon ceaselessly the one who is a real seeker. Eventually it will lead him to the goal, and give him the opportunity to drink from the pure satisfaction of the divine joy.

Ce este un cautator? Cautator este acea persoana care nu este multumita cu ce are și ce este, care simte ca dincolo de aparenta acestei lumi exista ceva mai adanc si mai intens si care pleaca in mod deliberat catre aflarea acestui ceva pentru a fi fericit. E o calatorie care nu stie cand se va incheia, cum va decurge si unde il va duce dar stie ca e hotarat sa faca tot ce tine de el pentru a merge pana la capat. Drumul nu este sigur ca va fi mereu insorit, vor fi urcusuri si coborasuri, perioade intunecate de durere si lupta, insa destinatia, telul il vor atrage si il vor striga neincetat pe cel ce este un cautator autentic. In cele din urma ele il vor conduce catre acest tel lăsandu-l sa bea din satisfactia pura a bucuriei divine.


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