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vineri, 8 martie 2013


"Avatar means the direct representative of God - God in human form.

Each time you look to an individual, if you can become consciously aware of God's existence in him, then you cannot be consciously be disturbed by his imperfections or limitations. 

In the spiritual life we have to see others with the heart of a lover and not with the eye of a critic."  Sri Chinmoy

"Avatar semnifica reprezentantul direct a lui Dumnezeu - Dumnezeu in forma umana.

De fiecare data cand te uiti la o persoana daca poti fi constient de existenta lui Dumnezeu in interiorul ei, atunci nu vei putea fi deranjat in mod constient de imperfectiunile si limitarile ei."

In viata spirituala trebuie sa-i privim pe ceilalti prin inima unui iubit si nu prin ochiul unui critic." Sri Chinmoy

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